IPW firmly believes in three fundamental principles that guide our philosophy.

1) Tax-Centric Approach

We understand that death and taxes are inevitable. Therefore Inkwell conscientiously prioritizes taxes at the forefront of financial planning. By adopting a tax-centric approach, we ensure that our clients’ financial plans are optimized for tax efficiency.

2) Dividend Stability

We advocate creating a core portfolio that derives stability from Dividend Aristocrats anchoring equity growth positions. This strategy offers clients both flexibility and a robust bedrock for financial planning. And in so doing, our approach aims to elevate one’s financial “floor.”

3) Intentional Growth

At Inkwell Private Wealth, we recognize that beyond establishing a strong foundation with dividends and tax optimization, intentional growth is the key to unlocking one’s financial “ceiling”.

By embracing intentionality, we strive to maximize our clients’ financial potential. We are driven by the pursuit of growth opportunities in the Market and in Ourselves!

Inkwell’s philosophy is designed to cater to the specific needs and aspirations of those who receive 1099s as owners, contractors, and non-employee labor.

Sometimes these people are “scholars:” consultants, specialists, academics, and solopreneurs in the professional classes. Other times, there are “rogues,” 1099 employees who work ad hoc: as adjuncts, gig workers, artists & artisans, and part-timers.

These individuals could be building a business, or cobbling together multiple streams of income, contemplating turning a hobby into a business, and/or picking up a side hustle for one reason or another.

Inkwell Private Wealth aims to empower individuals in these fields to achieve financial stability, optimize their tax position, build a strong foundation, and pursue intentional growth, allowing them to focus on their professional passions with peace of mind.

Anyone can become a client. You must be willing to invest time, energy, and money in yourself. Talk soon